Resources like ours help individuals and institutions preserve and protect their collections. Advance your skills with program materials, professional development, and funding opportunities.

Current Response Efforts

Maui Wildfire

FAIC staff and National Heritage Responders volunteers have been in contact with local cultural heritage practitioners to share information about the NHR Hotline and offer assistance if and when it is needed. 

To assist FAIC in these recovery efforts, donate at 

For Help After a Disaster

Museums, libraries, archives, and other collecting institutions: Call NHR responders 24/7 at 202.661.8068 for free advice.

Individuals whose personal items have been damaged in an emergency or institutions with non-emergencies may contact NHR at

Recovery Resources

How Can I Help?

  • Prepare your institution or practice before emergencies by participating in suggested Mayday activities.
  • Donate to FAIC to support Emergency programs like NHR, or to another member of the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.
  • Watch for emails from us requesting specific items or local assistance.
  • Learn more about the National Heritage Responders team, their training, and the work they do upon their deployment, which only after first responders secure the area and do the work of saving lives. While donations to the Emergency Fund fund their travel and accommodation costs, all NHR team members are volunteers who donate their time and efforts when emergencies occur.