
We support the growing number of conservators and related professionals challenged with the preservation of contemporary art by:

  • Providing a forum to exchange knowledge and ideas across material specializations
  • Encouraging recognition of the topic as a distinct practice within the profession that requires specific training, skills, and knowledge
  • Supporting and advocating for the most informed and appropriate care for contemporary art in the US and worldwide.

Our mission focuses on:

  • Creating a network of professionals committed to the topic by supporting current members and encouraging membership among non-members.
  • Developing and promoting programming for the annual meeting.
  • Hosting in-person and online networking and exchange opportunities.
  • Organizing research projects, workshops, and publications.
  • Identifying new tools required and providing training and professional development opportunities.
  • Working with related groups worldwide to develop common standards, vocabularies, and competencies.
  • Encouraging the development and expansion of training for contemporary art conservators in the US.
  • Promoting standards and best practices both within and outside the conservation profession.


Meet our officers.



See how we have contributed to the body research for our specialty.



Experience the programming we offer, such as readings, conversations, and annual meeting sessions. 
